Fast Forensic Triage for Law Enforcement

Cyacomb Examiner
Cyacomb Examiner is for forensic analysts who want results fast. It replaces slow MD5 scans for known Indecent Images of Children or terrorist related material with a tool that is 20x faster, delivering results in minutes.
Cyacomb Examiner is our flagship forensic tool, intended for skilled digital forensic analysts who want maximum control of processing and detailed results.
It can be used from your own forensic workstation (usually through a write blocker), or directly on a target device using a USB bootable version (which mounts target drives read-only), or on a running device.
- Find evidence in minutes, even from large or slow devices
- Accelerate triage and screening
- Target offences involving Indecent Images of Children or Terrorism
- Find all file types, including fragments and deleted files in unallocated space
- Scan devices and drives at 2TB/hour¹ and above
- Full control of scan options
- Detailed results
- PDF report
- Media preview (using preview tools configured in OS)
- Use on Forensics PC or Bootable Media

Cyacomb Responder
Cyacomb Responder allows frontline staff to rapidly triage devices for illegal content, without requiring a deep knowledge of digital forensics.
Cyacomb Responder features a simple user interface, and preconfigured settings, allowing SOCOs, CSEs, and CSIs to triage devices on site for known Indecent Images of Children or terrorist related material, without exposure to content.
Cyacomb Responder can be pre-configured by experts to ensure the correct settings are used and to restrict access to features.
It is designed for processes that “fail safe”, so the device can be passed to a skilled forensic analyst if further scrutiny is needed. It can be used directly on a target device using a USB bootable version (which mounts target drives read-only), or from a forensics laptop (usually through a write blocker).
- Find evidence in minutes, even from large or slow devices
- Simplified user interface for front-line staff
- Target offences involving Indecent Images of Children or Terrorism
- Find all file types, including fragments and deleted files in unallocated space
- Scan devices and drives at 2TB/hour¹ and above
- Simple Red/Green results
- Pre-configurable by expert users
- Use on Forensics PC or Bootable Media

Cyacomb Mobile Triage
Cyacomb Responder allows frontline staff to rapidly triage devices for illegal content, without requiring a deep knowledge of digital forensics.
Rapid Digital Triage for Mobile Phones
Combining all the features of DATAPILOT 10 with Cyacomb Forensics’ technology that scans for known illegal child abuse and terrorist images fast. Cyacomb Mobile Triage with DATAPILOT 10 delivers rapid scanning of smartphones, empowering law enforcement by supporting child sexual exploitation, counter terrorism and border force investigations. Significantly reducing risks, eliminating backlogs and digitally enabling front-line policing.
Find Evidence Fast – Scan mobile devices quickly in the field for known illegal content against national or purpose build Contraband Filter databases
Review Scan Results on Screen – Simple and clear red and green results to make informed decisions on scene, with real time data acquisitions
In the Field – Portable and rugged, purpose built handheld computer device, now including Cyacomb’s ground breaking tech.

Comes with all the features of the DATAPILOT 10
- Data slice capability, enabling collection of contacts, calls, messages, images, files and app data
- Search and reporting features
- Mirror evidence directly from the target device in real time.
- Create evidence with on-board built-in cameras
- Optical character recognition search capability
- Powers target devices

- Companion tool to Cyacomb Examiner and Cyacomb Offender Manager
- Supports better investigative decisions
- Reduces risks, eliminates backlogs
- Digitally enables police users
- Low training burden
- Work on IOS and Android devices
- Portable, rugged for front line use
- Handheld, purpose built, Windows IoT computer device
- Shares Contraband Filter format with Cyacomb’s other tools

Cyacomb Offender Manager
Dedicated offender management tool utilising Cyacomb Examiner’s game changing rapid triage capability. A bespoke tool developed closely with feedback from offender managers.
Simple – Insert a Cyacomb Offender Manager dongle and press ‘Start Scan’. If present, within minutes any illegal content will be identified and the display will turn ‘red’. If nothing is present, the display will turn ‘green’. A simple PDF report records results immediately.
Fast – Suspect devices can be scanned for known illegal content 20 to 100x faster than traditional methods.
Thorough – Cyacomb Offender Manager uses the same Contraband Filter technology behind Cyacomb Examiner, our fast forensic triage tool. The tool also utilises national databases like CAID.
Configurable – Digital forensics experts can set up the tool as required, so offender managers can simply plug and scan.